Annual Plan of Operation is a comprehensive grey literature on different activities both physical and financial pertaining to the approved APO. The broad spectrum of Annual Plan of Operation under CAMPA was formulated in consonance with the compensatory Afforestation Management Fund Acts (2016) & Rules (2018). The mandatory provisions as per the above act & rules were followed scrupulously during formulation of APO. Prior to formulation of draft APO, all the implementing wings were consulted and activities as per the working plan, scheme and wild life management plan were incorporated in the annual plan of operation as per their consent. The draft APO placed before the Executive Committee chaired by the PCCF & HoFF, Odisha. There after the said APO Placed before the State Level Steering Committee Chaired by the Chief Secretary, Govt. Of Odisha and the Steering Committee approved the APO. The approved copy of State Level Steering Committee, the APO has been sent to the National Authority for its final Approval. The National Authority Approved the activities following the compensatory Afforestation Management Fund Acts (2016) & Rules (2018) .
The Annual Plan of Operation plan periods has been worked out within each financial year. The framing of annual plan of operation has been followed as per the guidelines of the Act & Rules.